Huge #facepalm moment on this ad from @LoveFinance The idea is reasonable (if a bit clichéd): compare a load of horrible, commuter experiences with the joy of a timely business loan. Unfortunately they’ve somehow managed to make both things look absolutely blissful. It’s a real WTF moment.
Take a look at this one; “riding the northern line end-to-end”: we see a contented lady. Sat comfortably. A cute doggy for her to pet. Something to read on her epic journey to Morden. Not only is this ruining the point you’re trying to make, it bears absolutely no relation to your customers’ experience of riding the Northern line. For starters, where are the other 10,000 people? Where’s the teenager playing loud TikTok videos? Where is the upturned bottle and puddle of dubious brown fluid? Actually, how does she even have a seat? Why is she not stood miserably with her nose jammed in some bloke’s armpit? Look at her, beaming away, it’s practically Emirates first class in that carriage. At this point even I’m starting to think I might prefer it to the business loan.
What a baffling missed opportunity to reinforce what was a decent idea for a campaign. @LoveFinance have literally failed to illustrate their point. ★★☆☆☆